The RSN2005 Signalling Notices Register has been developed as a research aid in connection with the Signalling Notices Project of the Signalling Record Society. Access to the register is restricted until such time as publication is authorised, but access can be requested through the 'contact' link. The register seeks to list and provide details of all known Signalling Notices issued by British Rail, London Transport, their predecessors and their successors. It will also serve as a searchable database to direct researchers to material relating to particular locations and resignalling schemes. The register currently contains 13236 records relating to Signalling Notices dating from 1865 to the present day, and the whereabouts of 15345 individual copies of those Notices. A printed (brief details) report of the database currently runs to over 210 pages of A4 size printed at 8pt. Scans, digital copies, and digital photographs of signalling notices are registered for archival and data checking purposes only. The register does not, and will not provide direct downloads of any copyright or confidential notices. Copies or information may be made available to individual reasearchers subject to copyright restrictions. |
The Signalling Notices Register provides the following functionality :- |
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The following updates in functionality are either presently being progressed or are user requests that will be progressed :- |
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The following updates in functionality are deferred until the development of RailRef / RailRefRPS is sufficiently advanced :- |
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The information held on this database is held and made available for the purposes of research, and for recording / administration of personal collections Database Right is claimed in respect of this work and the publication or copying of any substantial part/s of the data in any form is prohibited without the express permission of the copyright holder/s Printouts of an individual's private collection by that individual will not constitute a breach of this copyright as long as such printout does not include data for notices which are not held by that individual. The register does not, and will not provide direct downloads of any copyright or confidential notices. Copies or information may be made available to individual reasearchers subject to copyright restrictions. Top of page |
Private information registered on this database by users will not be accessible by any other party without the express permission of the individual user. This applies to :- information detailing notices held by an individual, details of duplicates available for exchange or sale held by an individual, and contact information for an individual. Exceptions:- The Database Administrators have access to all data held on the server for the purpose of administration of the system. The Administrators undertake not to divulge any information without the express permission of the individual user. e mail and other contact addresses provided by individuals in connection with this database will not be divulged or forwarded to any person or organisation without the express permission of the individual user. Cookies and Database Log-ins :- persistent cookies are not used by this database for the purposes of storing private information. No private information is transmitted to, or stored upon the individual user's computer, other than the data displayed by the browser as requested by the individual user. JavaScript:- JavaScript is used only sparsely in the database pages, and then only where it provides enhanced functionality. The database will function with JavaScript disabled in the user's browser, but some functions may be degraded. No private information is transmitted, stored, or processed using JavaScript on the individual user's computer. Top of page |